Saturday, November 21, 2009

Proposed New Turtle Upgrade System

The Turtle upgrade system is a little bland. Most players ignore them for most part, which shouldn't really be the case. I believe that the changes they make do not justify the time taken to click on them. So, here is the new set of upgrades, once again divided into four sets of two, in the format:
Upgrade Name(set one of four):
- Thing it does 1
- Thing it does 2

Turtle Heavy Infantry Upgrade (set 1):
- EMP Rounds for BAI Infantry
- Adds 50% infantry HP (heavy armour)
- Slows down infantry by 25% to 30%
- AA Infantry gets increased range

Turtle Assault Infantry (set 1):
- AGES rounds for BAT Infantry
- Increased RoF for AA Infantry and AF Infantry

Defence HAT Upgrade (set 2):
- Repair Drone
- Adds 50% HAT armour (heavy armour)

Assault HAT Upgrade (set 2):
- HAT MG Upgrade
- The AA Hat gets the ability to use its AA missiles as make-shift artillery
- Anti-Building Shot for regular HATs

Adaptive Infantry (set 3):
- AAF Additional Ammunition types
- AN Infantry get the ability to disable an area around them, rather than specifically targeting

Advanced Infantry (set 3):
- AN Range increase
- All Infantry get the ability to self-heal slowly

Advanced Aircraft (set 4):
- Aircraft Armour
- Double ammunition capacity for the TUBA

Advanced Fortifications (set 4):
- Building Armour
- All buildings and the Super-Heavy Vehicle get the ability to send out a shockwave to do damage to units around it.

Anyways, comments appreciated.

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