Weapons Key:
R: Range. How far the weapon can shoot
MR: Minimum Range. If this isn't there, then there is no minimum range.
D: Damage. How much damage the weapon can shoot
L: reLoad time. How long it takes for the weapon to reload a magazine. (milliseconds) If no clipsize and clip reload time is mentioned, this is its rate of fire.
C: Clipsize. How many shots it fires per magazine.
Q: The rate of fire for shots within a magazine.
P: Pre-attack delay: How long it takes for a weapon to fire an already loaded shot. If it isn't referenced, the pre-attack delay is 0, as in it shoots immediately once it's pointed in that direction.
M: Hits all moving vehicles. The weapon is either guided or hitscan. Well, rather, it has the same chance to hit, moving doesn't affect its chance of hitting. Generally, missiles.
MI: Hits all moving targets. The weapon is hitscan. See above
S: Scatters when targetting infantry. Weapons can definitely be M and S.
SG: Scatters in General. Usually for artillery.
AI: This weapon is good against Infantry. A note on all ineffectivities: If a weapon is not 'good' against a particular sort of target, it does 20% damage. The exception is AA, where if a weapon is not AA, then it cannot target aircraft at all. Aircraft on the ground are heavily effected by AT weapons. If a weapon is solely anti-infantry, it only does 1% against other targets
AT: This weapon is good against Vehicles and parked aircraft..
AF: This weapon is good against buildings.
AA: This weapon is good against and can target flying aircraft. Also means that this cannot target ground units
B: Blast. This weapon has an area of effect
E: EMP, which shuts down vehicles and buildings that have been struck by it, but do no damage.
G: Kills Garrisoned troops per shot.
A: Limited ammo that the unit has to return to base for.
It will not contain any of the thoughts behind the units etc., but simply their cost, function, pre-requisites and other things you need to know while playing the game. It will be fairly similar to what you will see as tooltips while mousing over icons. We shall start with the most traditional of teams, Turtle:
Turtle Faction:
Turtle Buildings:
Uh... A note on Turtle Buildings. Every single one of their buildings can be garrisoned. Infantry placed inside a Turtle Building will heal at a rate of 10 HP/second. Vehicles need to be sent to a vehicle bay or vehicle factory.
Turtle Command Centre:Turtle Infantry:
Price: $2000
HP: 5000
Power: +10
Prerequisites: None
Notes: You start off with this building. Like all Turtle buildings, it can hold up to five infantry. Because of its massive amount of health, it makes a decent point to put a front-line. It is also required to have both RADAR and use Support Abilities.
Turtle Power Plant:
Price: $500
HP: 1000
Power: +20
Prerequisites: Turtle Command Centre
Notes: This gives you power to do stuff with. Also works as a makeshift bunker, although low HP makes it not a particularly good defence structure.
Turtle ROB:
Price: $2000
HP: 1000
Power: -5
Prerequisites: Turtle Power Plant
Notes: This is a Resource Operations Base that gathers money depending on how far the ROB is from a supply point. Obviously its low HP and high cost means that this is a very important building to defend.
Turtle SDT:
Price: $200
HP: 1000
Power: -20
Prerequisites: Turtle ROB
Notes: This has a large stealth detection radius. You can only build one of this. It is also your basis for various research options. Once again, take care of it.
Turtle Railgun:
Price: $5000
HP: 5000
Power: -20
Weapons: None, sort of
Prerequisites: Turtle SDT
Notes: This is the Turtle Superweapon. It has quite a lot of hitpoints, but bad guys will also more likely concentrate on this before a command centre. With a 3 minute load times dealing massive damage to units, but less to structures, this is obviously useful for taking out enemy forces rather than bases.
Turtle Infantry Command:
Price: $1000
HP: 1000
Power: -5
Prerequisites: None
Notes: This builds infantry units, is relatively cheap, so can be useful as a make-shift bunker. However, the enemy may concentrate a decent amount of firepower towards this, since infantry are useful.
Turtle Defence Structure:
Price: $500
HP: 2000
Power: 0
Prerequisites: Turtle Barracks
Notes: This is a simple building that works as a garrison. It can be upgraded to have various guns on top, which take up an additional take up power. The weapons are Anti Ground (R250D80L1000MIAT), which takes up 5 power, Anti-Air (R400D50L4000C4Q1500AAMB), which also takes up 5 power, and Anti-Fortification (R1500MR450D300SBAIATAF), which requires a Turtle Factory and takes up 15 power. The respective costs are $500, $500, and $1000
Turtle Factory:
Price: $2000
HP: 2000
Power: -10
Prerequisites: Turtle Barracks
Notes: This produces Turtle Vehicles! Not much else to say, really.
Turtle Airfield:
Price: $2000
HP: 2000
Power: -10
Prerequisites: Turtle Factory
Notes: This produces Turtle Aircraft (well, the TUBA). It can store two aircraft, and that's about it.
Turtle Basic Anti-Infantry Infantry:Turtle Vehicles
Price: $200
HP: 100
Weapon: R225D6L200MIAI
Notes: Not much to say. Standard infantry movement. This is the longest ranged basic anti infantry infantry. Er... 30 DPS. Can be upgraded to be simply ineffective vs vehicles, as opposed to entirely useless.
Turtle Basic Anti-Tank Infantry:
Price: $400
HP: 100
Weapon: R250D60C3Q100L5700ATAFMS
Notes: Long ranged AT soldier who applies damage over the first 300 milliseconds of firing for 6 seconds total. 30 DPS! Can be upgraded to be able to switch to an alternate R150D100L6000AIMBG weapon
Turtle Basic Anti-Air Infantry:
Price: $400
HP: 100
Weapon: R300D80L4000AAM
Notes: Stock standard AA infantry. 20 DPS vs aircraft!
Turtle Advanced Anti-Fortifcation Infantry:
Price: $800
HP: 100
Weapon: R375D300L13500P1500AIATAFSGB
Prerequisites: Turtle Factory
Notes: Is good vs stuff staying still. Not so good against moving stuff. Can be upgraded to be able to switch between and Incendiary Weapon and EMP Weapon.
Turtle Advanced Armour-Neutralising Infantry:
Price: $1000
HP: 100
Weapon: R150MIE
Prerequisites: Turtle SDT
Notes: Neutralises up to one target! Can be upgraded to a R250MIE weapon
Turtle Heavy Assault Tank:
Price: $1200
HP: 600
Weapon: R250D500L10000ATSMI
Notes: This vehicle is quite slow and has a slow turn and turret turn rate. This means it is rather vulnerable to flanking. However, it has a massive amount of frontload, so is very good at taking out taking out enemy tanks. Against singular enemy units, this is probably the best, but cannot face off against an equivalent cost of anti-tank infantry. Can be upgraded to also have a R150D5L100AIMI machine gun on top, or an upgrade to self-repair.
Turtle AA Heavy Assault Tank:
Price: $1000
HP: 600
Weapon: R300D50C4Q1000L6000AAM
Notes: A very generic AA vehicle. Mostly for support actual HATs. Same choice as above.
Turtle HAT Constructor
Price: $1000
HP: 600
Notes: This unit can build all Turtle Buildings, and also benefits from the upgrades mentioned above.
Turtle Super-Heavy IFV:
Price: $4500
HP: 5000
Pre-requisites: Turtle SDT
Notes: This is a massively slow vehicle with no weapons of it own, rather it carries a bunker atop it that up to five infantry can be mounted in. It is large enough to crush smaller vehicles. It moves as quickly as an infantryman. It should self-repair.
Turtle Super-Heavy Railgun Carrier
Price: $5000
HP: 5000
Weapons: R300MR100D80L100ATAFMI
Notes: Another massive slow vehicle that has a smaller version of the railgun on it. Basically another game-ender.
Turtle Aircraft
Turtle Ubiquitous Bomber Aircraft:Turtle Upgrades:
Price: $1500
HP: 200
Weapons: R350D5L100AAMI + R320D500L4000A2ATAFM
Notes: This is a relatively fast aircraft that is better for support than for scouting, as it has almost no sight range. It also uses its MG for AA fighter purposes and its cannons for AG purposes.
Turtle Powered Ordinary Weapon:
Price: $500
Notes: Is a weapons upgrade for Turtle Basic Anti-Infantry Infantry, and is mutually exclusive with the Turtle AGES.
Turtle Anti-Garrison Energy Shot:
Price: $500
Notes: Is a weapons upgrade for the Turtle BAT Infantry, and is mutually exclusive with the Turtle POW.
Turtle HAT Self-Repair:
Price: $1000
Notes: This upgrade gives all HAT variants self-repair. Mutually exclusive with HAT Defencive MG.
Turtle HAT Defencive MG:
Price: $1000
Notes: This upgrade gives all HAT variants a defencive MG. Mutually exclusive with HAT Self-Repair.
Turtle AAF Ammunition:
Price: $1000
Notes: This upgrade gives Turtle Advanced Anti-Fortifcation Infantry additional ammunition types. Mutually exclusive with Turtle AN Field Modulator.
Turtle AN Field Modulator:
Price: $1000
Notes: This upgrade increases the range of the Turtle Armour Neutralising Infantry. Mutually exclusive with Turtle AAF Ammunition.
Turtle Building Armour:
Price: $1500
Notes: This upgrade increases the health of all Turtle buildings by 20%. Mutually exclusive with Turtle Aircraft Armour.
Turtle Aircraft Armour:
Price: $1500
Notes: This upgrade increases the health of all Turtle Aircraft by 50%. Mutually exclusive with Turtle Building Armour.
Turtle Support Abilities:
Note, prices are not anywhere near finalised, nor are the reload times, so those are not listed. Their general effect has been finalised, as has the tree path.Rush:
Turtle Scout Aircraft:
Points Cost: 2
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: None
Notes: A fast, lightly armoured scout aircraft flies over. The scout aircraft is the standard fast aircraft with additional cameras and other recon equipment attached.
Turtle LBFB:
Points Cost: 3
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: Turtle Scout Aircraft
Notes: (Light Bomb Fast Bomber) A scout aircraft with a small explosive device that is effective against all targets.
Turtle MBFB:
Points Cost: 3
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: Turtle LBFB
Notes: (Medium Bomb Fast Bomber) A scout aircraft with a medium sized explosive device that is effective against all targets.
Turtle EMPBFB:
Points Cost: 4
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: Turtle LBFB
Notes: (ElectroMagnetic Pulse Bomb Fast Bomber) A scout aircraft with a wide scale EMP device that can shut down large numbers of tank and vehicles.
Turtle IBFB:
Points Cost: 4
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: Turtle EMPBFB
Notes:(Incendiary Bomb Fast Bomber) A scout aircraft with a wide scale Incendiary device that burns infantry.
Turtle LBSB:
Points Cost: 3
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: None
Notes:(Light Bomb Slow Bomber) A heavy aircraft that drops a light explosive device, same as before.
Turtle MBSB:
Points Cost: 4
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: Turtle LBSB
Notes: (Medium Bomb Slow Bomber) Pretty self-explanatory.
Turtle SBSB:
Points Cost: 5
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: Turtle MBSB
Notes:(Super Bomb Slow Bomber) A slow bomber with a really big bomb, really good for striking an opponent's staging grounds.
Turtle AFBSB:
Points Cost: 4
Reload Time:
Prerequisites: Turtle MBSB
Notes:(Anti-Fortification Bomb Slow Bomber) A slow bomber with a bomb that does massive damage to a small area. Good for taking out buildings. Not quite enough to take out a super-heavy or command centre.
Rush Buildings:
Rush Building Hub:Rush Infantry:
Price: $500
HP: 500
Notes: The building hub can be upgraded into any other single Rush Building, at the cost of $2000 and one minute.
Rush Infantry Command:
Price: $2500 (only useful for a Stealth player destroying the building.)
HP: 3000
Notes: This builds all infantry, and Rush Constructor Transports. That's about it, really.
Rush Vehicle Command:
Price: $2500 (See above)
HP: 3000
Notes: This builds all vehicles, and Rush Constructor Transports.
Rush Air Command:
Price: $2500 (See above)
HP: 3000
Notes: This builds all aircraft, and Rush Constructor Transports.
Rush Support Structure:
Price: $2500 (See above)
HP: 3000
Notes: This grants the Rush player the ability to use the minimap, and also heals friendly units around it.
Rush Anti-Infantry Infantry:Rush Vehicles:
Price: $100
HP: 100
Weapons: R125D5L100AIMI
Notes: This can be upgraded to have a R75D10L100AIMIG flamethrower for $50.
Rush Anti-Tank Infantry:
Price: $200
HP: 100
Weapons: R150D200L5000ATAFMS
Notes: This can be upgraded to have a R300MR100D200L8500P1500AIATAFSGB for $50.
Rush Anti-AirInfantry
Price: $200
HP: 100
Weapons: R300D80L4000AAM
Notes: This can be sidegraded to have a R300D20L1000AAMI for $0. This just in, it isn't a straight upgrade. More on that in another post.
Rush Light Tank:Rush Aircraft:
Price: $600
HP: 350
Weapons: R150D30L1000ATMIS
Notes: This unit has a high top speed. It can be upgraded to have a R200D300L10000ATMIS weapon. It can also have its engines upgraded.
Rush IFV:
Price: $600
HP: 350
Notes: It means Infantry Fighting Vehicle. It can be upgraded to have an R100EMI weapon, and also go faster for $100. It can hold two infantry who can shoot out.
Rush Constructor Transport:
Price: $500
HP: 350
Notes: This can build Rush Building hubs. It can also transport 5 infantry, who may not shoot out. It can have its engines upgraded.
Rush Medium Tank:
Price: $800
HP: 450
Weapons: R200D200L5000ATMIS
Notes: The medium tank is probably the most upgradable thing in the Rush arsenal. It can be upgraded to have a R200D150L5000AIBMIS weapon. It can also be upgraded to have a laser targetter, which increase the amount of damage your units do to a particular target by double. And lastly, you can upgrade it to have self-repair.
Rush Guppy Transport:Rush Upgrades:
Price: $1000
HP: 200
Notes: This can carry up to five infantry who cannot shoot out. It can be upgraded to have additional armour, and also increased engine power.
Rush Guppy Gunship:
Price: $1500
HP: 200
Weapons: R200D5L100AIMI R200D40C8Q100L7200ATMS
Notes: A gunship with AT missiles and an AI machinegun. It can be upgraded to have a pellet drop cannon R50D60C20Q100L30000ATAFBSG
All Rush upgrades cost 4 command points, and enable upgrades in units. Refer to the unit description for a more detailed description.
Rush Anti-Infantry Unlock:Stealth
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush Anti-Infantry Infantry
Rush Anti-Tank Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush Anti-Tank Infantry
Rush Anti-Air Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush Anti-Air Infantry
Rush Light Vehicle Engine Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a locomotor upgrade for Rush Light Vehicle Chassis.
Rush IFV Armour Neutraliser Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush IFVs
Rush Light Tank Assault Gun Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush Light Tanks.
Rush Medium Tank HE Rounds Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush Medium Tanks.
Rush Medium Tank Laser Targetter Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush Medium Tanks.
Rush Medium Tank Regenerative Armour Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a self-healing behaviour upgrade for Rush Medium Tanks.
Rush Aircraft Engine Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a locomotor upgrade for Rush Aircraft.
Rush Guppy Transport Armour Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks an armour upgrade for Rush Guppy Transports.
Rush Guppy Gunship Annihilator Cannon Unlock:
Notes: Unlocks a weapon upgrade for Rush Guppy Gunships.
Stealth Buildings:
Stealth do not have buildings in the normal sense. Rather, they have MCVs, which can deploy into buildings. However, while they are deployed, they still count as vehicles for the purposes of being shot at (so they have vehicle-armour). They are, however, uncrushable in either state. Also, they can disguise while packed up, and are stealthed while deployed. While deployed, they should be able to listen in on enemy commands in an area around them. Also, you can only have one of each MCV.
Stealth Primary MCV:Stealth Infantry:
Price: $2000
HP: 800
Notes: Is an MCV. This produces infantry while deployed.
Stealth Secondary MCV:
Price: $2000
HP: 800
Notes: Is an MCV. This produces vehicles while deployed.
Stealth Tertiary MCV:
Price: $2000
HP: 800
Notes: Is an MCV. This produces drones while deployed, and also allows the use of Stealth Support Satellite abilities.
All Stealth Infantry can stealth.
Stealth Basic Anti-Infantry Infantry:Stealth Vehicles:
Price: $200
HP: 100
Weapons: R175D20L500AIMI
Notes: Nothing at all to be said really.
Stealth Basic Anti-Tank Infantry:
Price: $400
HP: 100
Weapons: R200D210L6000ATMS
Notes: Again, very basic, other than the ability to stealth.
Stealth Basic Anti-Air Infantry:
Price: $400
HP: 100
Weapons: R300D80L4000AAM
Notes: Hahaha. Stealth Basic Infantry are so basic! Don't worry, it gets interesting from here on out! At least for the infantry!
Stealth Advanced Anti-Infantry:
Price: $1000
HP: 100
Weapons: R300D150L3000P3000AIMIG
Notes: This can switch to binoculars, and can use them to observe an area or unit. Using these high-tech binoculars, the Advanced Anti-Infantry Infantry can also detect stealth in that area as well as its own, doubling the coverage, but also able to find Stealth units without endangering itself. Also, it can climb cliffs, something that every map designer for this mod should be aware of.
Stealth Advanced Anti-Tank Infantry:
Price: $1200
Weapons: R150D10L80AIMI R300D500L15000P500ATMS
Notes: This needs to switch from one weapon to the other (the AI weapon is default). It can also climb cliffs.
Stealth Advanced Anti-Fortification Infantry:
Price: $1200
Weapons: R150D10L80AIMI
Notes: This unit can not only climb cliffs, but also plant bombs that do 3000 damage in an area of about 80. It can have up to 9 of these bombs in place at once, and must be alive to detonate them.
All Stealth Vehicles can disguise.
Stealth Anti-Infantry Transport:
Price: $1200
Weapons: R175D5L100AIMI
Notes: This can transport up to 5 infantry who cannot shoot out.
Stealth Anti-Tank Vehicle:
Price: $1200
Weapons: R300D500L15000P500ATMS
Notes: No notes for this vehicle.
Stealth Anti-Air Vehicle:
Price: $1000
Weapons: R450D160L8000AAM
Notes: No notes for this vehicle.
Stealth Anti-Fortification Vehicle:
Price: $1500
Weapons: R450MR150D100C20Q100L60000AIATAFSGB
Notes: You need to force this unit to fire on a location, it won't fire on its own.
Stealth Drones:
Stealth Drones fly, and are also stealthed.
Stealth AT Drone:Stealth Support Satellite Abilities:
Price: $1500
Weapons: R300D500L15000P500ATMS
Notes: Drones are pretty boring, TBH.
Stealth AA Drone:
Price: $1000
Weapons: R450D160L8000AAM
Notes: See above
Satellite Target Assist:And there you have it. One last thing:
Cooldown: 2:00
Notes: Increases friendly unit's range by 100%.
Satellite Magnetic Resonance Wave:
Cooldown: 2:00
Notes: Heals all units in radius up to full health.
Satellite Magnetic Resonance Wave Overdrive:
Cooldown: 2:00
Notes: Shuts down all vehicles and buildings in the area.
Satellite Explosive Magnifier:
Cooldown: 2:00
Notes: Halves the effectiveness of armour of units and buildings in the area.
Civilian Structure:
Notes: Can garrison up to 5 infantry who can shoot out.
Civilian Bunker:
Notes: Can garrison up to 5 infantry who can shoot out, and are immune to garrison clearing effects.
Hope you cats have fun playing this once all the graphics and sound is finished. I'll probably release a "beta" version once I finish the graphics, and work on the sounds while getting feedback.
Proposed Change List:
- HAT Constructor renamed to the HAT CSV (Heavy Assault Tank Construction Support Variant) and given the ability to repair vehicles. Or some other ability, as the other constructor has an ability of some sort. (Cancelled)
- Turtle different turrets removed (done)
- Turtle buildings can now store one HAT variant, and can heal it (done)
- Turtle factory 'service depot' removed (done)
- Added Turtle Defence Fortification (done)
- Turtle AAHAT given the AA turret's weapon.
- Turtle AAHAT price increase.
Will write up railgun code when I have free time. The last few weeks have just been overloaded with stuff.
- MCV Health Increase to 1000 HP
- Adding two more stealth support abilities, and then splitting them up across the three Stealth MCVs, rather than having them all on the tertiary, for a more consistent function of MCVs.
So... templist
- Satellite scan (detects stealth and gives sight range) Reload time 2:00 for Primary MCV (done)
- Heal Wave (heals all units and buildings in area) Reload time 2:00 for Primary MCV (done)
-EMP Wave (shuts down all vehicles and buildings in an area for 10 seconds) Reload time 2:00 for Secondary MCV (done)
- Satellite Targetting (increases range of effected units) Reload time 2:00 for Secondary MCV (done)
- ????
- Satellite Anti-Armour Fire (increases damage taken by a single target) Reload time 10 seconds for Tertiary MCV
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