So, I started working on making models yesterday (not as hard as I thought, but texturing is definitely a lot more work). Obviously, I have a lot to learn at this point about doing that sort of thing.
As far as the coding has gone thus far, I have done almost all of the code for Rush, and very nearly that for turtle (so, aesthetic stuff mostly remaining). Stealth, I only just started.
Over the course of making the mod, various new things come to mind. For instance, I realised that all three teams apply their upgrades similarly. Once the upgrade is bought, all units have the upgrade. If you have read any of the rest of the blog, you'll realise I am trying to make these teams as different as I possibly can while still being recognisable and playable.
So, I have now changed Rush and Stealth's unit upgrade mechanics.
Rush: Rush have a total of 12 unlocks, in which a player may choose four over the course of a game.
Each of those 12 unlocks enables an upgrade in one or more units (the same upgrade). These upgrades are permanent, so no going back. This shouldn't be a problem for any Rush player, as their units are as expendable as they are cheap and plentiful. I have tried to make the upgrades change the usage of the units in question as much as possible, so they facilitate strategic and tactical changes in all players once they figure out which unlocks the Rush player has acquired.
A good example is a Rush vs Rush mirror battle, where civilian buildings are constantly changing hands (or being destroyed). One Rush player gets the Rush Anti-Infantry Infantry unlock, which gives the Rush Anti-Infantry Infantry a flamethrower. This increase DPS and allows the infantry to clear garrisons, but shortens range to the point where it would lose to an infantryman without the upgrade.
The other Rush player would counter this by increasing the number of troops in his front line buildings (perhaps, there are several ways of countering this strategy), and also taking the Rush Anti-Tank unlock, which changes the Anti-Tank Infantry into an artillery unit (totally unable to hit moving targets, but long range and high frontload). Thus, if the first Rush player ever does capture a building, the artillery Rush player can use his artillery infantry to deny his opponent that income, and also start demolishing his opponent's income with artillery fire, adopting a scorched earth tactic.
Similarly, if you discover your opponent has taken the artillery upgrade, take the speed upgrade for all light vehicles. And so-on.
Obviously, if you take the first upgrade you also have the element of surprise (and also being proactive about strategy is helpful, it's not helpful to stand around and wait for things to happen). Keeping your cards close to your chest has strategic benefits. If you gain an advantage early game, you may want to take the counter to the counter of your original unlock, or not to throw your opponent off. Information warfare is very important.
Stealth: Stealth apply their upgrades differently again. All stealth upgrades are granted when you have a Tertiary MCV Deployed. Not to all the units, rather, special abilities are unlocked that allow you to grant bonuses to all units in an area (a buff I guess). The bonus is only temporary, however, they can change the course of a battle.
All the abilities are tied to the same timer, so you can only have one active for 10 seconds or so per minute. However, they definitely do provide a quick fix, or perhaps even as part of a greater strategy. e.g. Increasing a targets suceptibility to damage before ambushing it, using a range increase just before firing artillery from some distant unfindable spot, or AT rockets and the like. Gaining the upper-hand over Turtle long ranged infantry for hilarious effect if you manage to eek out a Tertiary MCV early game.
Of course, an opponent can see you using that ability, and thus can feel just a little safer for 50 seconds, or press your lack of advantage. They will also know that you have a Tertiary MCV somewhere one the field, and may step up AA precautions as a result.
Blargh! One of the things I haven't learned is save regularly. Damn crashes, destroying everything I create! For the 2 people who may care, I'll upload later in the week.
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