Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It's that time again, for the two people in the world that care. Recently, I've been cranking out icons, at the rate of about one or two a night. The difficulty in making them will ramp up when I start making the non-icon ones for Rush, and I still mostly have to code the majority of Stealth stuff. Mechanically, the remainder of coding should be simple enough, and re-hashed from previous weapons and the like.

I haven't really decided on an style for Stealth icons. Possibly screen-shot icons, in the vein of Command and Conquer 3 and Red Alert 3, although I personally don't like the look of those. Maybe a more serious picture, compared to the cartoony imagery of the Rush faction. A mugshot for the infantry. I don't know. I'll find out when I get there.

Hmm... It seems like more of my designs for units seem to come out of bizarro world. Asymmetry seems to promote that. Certainly a lot to think on. This is a relatively short post. I am way too tired.

Hmm... The stealth build mechanic is giving me problems, but on the upside, their other stuff seems to work just fine. Cool.

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