Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm very happy about today's playtesting. I got a lot of feedback, and quite a lot of people turned up, and played it quite a bit. So, aside from bugs:

Stealth is still a little too difficult to win against. Thus, the teams are getting an upgrade to their stealth detection capabilities:
Stealth's Spy Satellite will have its reload time reduced.
Turtle's Scout aircraft now does stealth detection, but none of the variants with bombs do.
Rush's Air Transport will detect stealth

I've seen every single unit used at least once, except for the Rush air transport. I believe this is because it is far too redundant and inconvenient to use. So, to improve the usability of this unit, it will now be the Rush Aerial Fighting Vehicle! With this name change will also come a functionality change. It will only be able to transport a single infantry, but that infantry will be able to shoot out. It will also be able to detect stealth.

Also, now units should automatically shoot at enemy structures. Since you cannot capture enemy buildings, there is no real incentive behind keeping them there.

The AGES has been nerfed, though not by as much as initially decided.

POW could be changed to do subdual damage instead of normal damage (as its effect is currently very little). Name change possible?

Stealth needs a bit of a boost, maybe? We shall see.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

More playtesting

I hosted some more playtesting yesterday.

Anti-Fortication Infantry were used quite widely. They actually seemed a little too powerful. The speed of the round has been reduced, and the scatter radius has been increased. This keeps them effective against their intended target type, while making them worse against mobile units.
Various stuff happening thanks to bugs that I have not fixed yet.

I am fairly happy with the fact that players seem to have to use about three different units, lest they wish to lose against every enemy who does. I'm surprised at how balanced it seems to be, although more playtesting will obviously determine how good the balance actually is.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Playtesting results

We only managed to get a couple of games going, both of which were Turtle vs Rush.

It was discovered that Turtle is a little more powerful than Rush, and that Turtle defence is stronger than Rush offence.
Changes based on this observation:
- Rush Anti-Fort infantry have had a range increase
- Rush Anti-Fort infantry no longer require line of sight
- Turtle Anti-Fort Support Upgrade was too effective against enemy units, increased scatter, increased min range, removed the auto-target

It was noted that Turtle players seem to have a massive aversion to using vehicles, or even building a war factory. It was also noted that Turtle players are not aggressive at any stage of the game, allowing for very easy mid-game economy harrassment.
This does not have changes based on it, as it is due to poor management by opponent

Turtle Support Abilities had some debug prices and reload times left in. Those have now been removed.

Should have Turtle tactical weapon online at some stage